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När nu Cory Doctorow är i landet hoppas jag verkligen att något mediautlopp, i dessa överhettade FRA-tider, passar på att intervjua honom. Hans Little Brother handlar ju precis om vad vi står inför: staten som får för sig att mass-övervaka sina medborgare, och vad som händer när medborgarna bestämmer sig för att undergräva systemet.

Här är ett lite längre citat från en bra intervju med Doctorow hos The A.V. Club:

I think that the critical thing about the Internet--and this comes out of Clay Shirky's new book Here Comes Everybody--is, it makes it possible for people to create institutions and organizations with less planning, forethought, and resources than ever before. You can get together with friends and do stuff really much more easily than ever before. Which means to a certain extent that we don't need the government to back off on data mining, and we don't need the record industry to back off on its distribution model. All we need is the space in which to easily form groups that subvert both those things. In other words, the space to form groups that make available and distribute cryptographic tools that make data mining irrelevant. The space to build alternative distribution models that make the record industry irrelevant. Here I am with this Creative Commons-licensed book that was released for free when it was released in stores, but that book's gone into its fourth week on the top of the New York Times [children's] bestseller list. It seems to me that provided that we can fight them to a standstill, and keep the Internet open and free so people who are doing things that make them obsolete can find the space to do so, we can win to a larger extent. With government, I think it's a little different, because I do believe we need to elect leaders that represent us. I don't think it's enough to just subvert what governments are trying to do--you also have to have leaders who respect your freedom. But if we can subvert the data mining long enough, we can use that to organize groups of people who will keep an eye on, or ouster, or hold to account, politicians who don't do the right thing.


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