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En liten artikel från The British Association for the Advancement of Science förklarar vad SciBarCamps (geekiga icke-konferenser för vetenskapare, efter modell BarCamp) är för något:

Caught up in the fun, it is tempting to wish that all science conferences could be this way. But what makes SciBarCamp so appealing, its radical interdisciplinarity, is exactly why this is unlikely take over from the staid world of specialist conferences. Somehow, 'PolymerChemistrySciBarCamp' doesn't have quite the same appeal. What SciBarCamp may offer, however, is a format for engaged science communities to draw wider publics into discussion about science. Imagine Cafe Scientifique meets Wikipedia - in a karaoke bar.
Googles och Natures invite-only SciFoo äger rum 8-10 augusti i Mountain View, och den öppna BioBarCamp 6-7 augusti Palo Alto.


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