Digitala patientjournaler: dömt att misslyckas?

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I kölvattnet av Göran Hägglunds harang om att nu möjliggöra digitala patientjournaler kan man mycket väl citera Steve Bowbricks inlägg från idag (apropå det uppenbarligen misslyckade och svindyra IT-projektet att kontaktera ut skapandet av ett digitalt patientjournalsystem i Storbritannien; läs mer i The Register):

So the big question is: how many of these epic, national-scale contracting disasters do we need to see before we change our approach and try building important national systems by assembling existing code and services in a smart, non-dogmatic way? My guess: at least another ten years. Contractors (BT In particular) are queuing up to replace Fujitsu in the NHS job because the money is just vast. A real web 2.0 type approach to the project would cost 10% of the bid price for the whole thing and would get dozens of executives fired.
Googlifiera det hela, menar han:

The former (Google and the hospitals) says: use light-weight, consumer-grade tools, put control in the hands of users and not administrators and concentrate on incremental methods, standards and interoperability. The latter (the £12 Billion NHS system) says: build grim, centralised and monolothic systems on a military-industrial scale, exclude open, incremental or agile methods because of your 1950s risk model and hope for the best.


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