Besök i Sonyland, Nintendovia och Xboxia

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gaminglife.jpgWired recenserar Jim Rossignols (redaktör för Rock, Paper, Shotgun) bok This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities (ej Bokus el. AdLibris än), som vi tyvärr måste lägga till listan över böcker man måste läsa för att överhuvud taget fatta nånting, i det här fallet spelkulturen.

The book eschews a grand central theme to provide a much more personal look into the hearts and minds of the medium's most fervent enthusiasts, a perspective that will become increasingly important if the videogames are going to win over the hearts and minds of nonbelievers. [...]

For gamers there is hope: Before long, most of the nation's voting population will be a member of the 8-bit generation. But until we've completely taken the reins, there's nothing like classic dead-tree media to enlighten those wary of keyboards and Wiimotes. Unless we want the future of entertainment to be regulated into Happy Consumer brand infomercials and stick-and-hoop games in full pads on Astroturf, we'll need more books like this one.



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