Spel med ett syfte

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Nikolaj Nyholm hos O'Reilly Radar säger:

Luis von Ahn - father of noteworthy projects like the ESP Game (a.k.a. Google's Image Labeler. Radar post) and reCAPTCHA (Radar post) - has launched Games with a Purpose, in short GWAP.

GWAP and the new games - Tag a tune, Squigl, Verbosity, and Matchin, puts von Ahn and his team at Carnegie Mellon by a wide margin at the forefront of tapping into human cycles to do jobs that computers only can solve poorly or not at all.

At FOO Camp last year von Ahn listed the main motivation for his projects as "I hate paying people to do things." Beyond the obvious chuckle such a statement releases, there is a truth hidden to it that Amazon's Mechanical Turk is no doubt feeling and that every HR department knows: people only motivated by money often do a terrible job.


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