SNS Watch: vetenskaplig kommunikation 2.0

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Några grejer att hålla koll på bara, inom området SNS:er för vetenskaplig kommunikation:

  • SciLink - " an online community with the goal of helping you to discover scientists, authors, and relationships. SciLink's network of 106,264,967 relationships is built by mining scientific data that exist on the web. Our databases currently contain over 5.8 million scientists and 14 million articles." Håller hus i Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  • Laboratree - "A place conducive to experimentation, investigation, observation, collaboration, and anything related to science." Utvecklas av Indiana University School of Medicine Bioinformatics Core.

  • Ologeez! - " about providing academic researchers and professionals with the tools needed to connect, share, and learn about their fields. A unique blend of citation recommendations, search tools, collaborative groups and more has been developed to meet this goal."

  • Taverna - "Effectively Taverna allows a biologist or bioinformatician with limited computing background and limited technical resources and support to construct highly complex analyses over public and private data and computational resources, all from a standard PC, UNIX box or Apple computer. The screenshot below shows the workbench in action running an example workflow." Inte så värst seriöst, utvecklas av en doktorand vid Stanford.

    Relaterat: myExperiment.
Tidigare omnämnt: BiomedExperts.

Relaterat: PatientsLikeMe (bakgrundsartikel i New York Times). Längre inlägg om detta senare.


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