Säkert en must-see

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Jag läste precis om Cormac McCarthys bok The Road i den där Chabon-boken, post-apokalyptisk dystopilitteratur som jag helt missat (Pulitzer-pris vinnare och allt; köpte idag), och ser idag att man just har avslutat filmandet av boken och att filmen ska stå klar i november (Charlize Theron, Viggo Mortensen och "Omar" från The Wire bl.a.).

New York Times skriver:

Cormac McCarthy's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Road," takes place in a world that, because of some unexplained catastrophe, has just about ended. The sky is gray, the rivers are black, and color is just a memory. The landscape is covered in ash, with soot falling perpetually from the air. The cities are blasted and abandoned. The roads are littered with corpses either charred or melted, their dreams, Mr. McCarthy writes, "ensepulchred within their crozzled hearts."


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