Nico Nico Douga

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En underbar liten film om hur du signar upp för den populära japanska videotjänsten Nico Nico Douga. Bloggen Metagold (via: har en introduktion på engelska till detta uppenbarligen fantastiska fenomen:

The most spectacular innovation of Nico Nico Douga is the way comments are placed on Nico Nico Douga. Users of Nico Nico Douga can write directly on the moving image. They comment while they watch videos, and add the comments directly on top of the video. (...)

From a technical perspective all this is no rocket science. What makes Nico Nico Douga so special is the way this platform has taken up. Nico Nico Douga exists since little more than one year, but is by now the 6th most visited website in Japan. There are by now more the 6 million registered users, more than one million (!) uploaded videos, and more then one billion (!!) comments - and all this in the course of not more than one and a half years.


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