Låt dom va

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Australiensiska antropologen Greg Downey hos Culture Matters ger lite bra bakgrund till historien om den isolerade ursprungsbefolkningen i Peru-Brasilien. Att de verkar lite fientligt inställda kan ha sina förklaringar:

One of the reasons these groups are attracting attention is that they are under pressure, especially on the Peruvian side of the border, not only from the usual suspects (miners, loggers, and ranchers), but also from a French petroleum company that wants to drill in the area. Why can't we go with that story: protecting the environment, wildlife, and the local people's ways of life against the shattering impact of wreckless resource extraction to feed petroleum addiction? Why do we have to stoop to the whole 'they think the plane is a giant bird or spirit' and 'their way of life was unchanged for 10,000 years' cannard?


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