Kyrkofönster Watch: Sigmar Polke

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polkegrossmunster.jpgJag postade bilder på Gerhard Richters glasfönster för katedralen i Köln i september (sakral eBoy). Veckans New Yorker skriver om dom, liksom om generationskamraten Sigmar Polkes kreationer för Grossmünster-katedralen i Zürich (bilden visar verket under uppbyggnad). Peter Schjeldahl har besökt studion där fönstren växer fram:

For the Zurich windows, an abundance of techniques will be employed, including the oldest: the mixing of metallic oxides--such as copper for ruby red, manganese for rose pink, and cobalt for blue--with molten glass. (That was the predominant practice until about 1300, when it was discovered that silver-nitrate solution brushed onto glass stained it yellow, giving the medium its name.) Others will be flashed-glass abrasion (clear panes fused with colored ones which are scraped away to various results), glass fusing (combining layers of different-colored glass), sandblasting, and a traditional procedure called Schwarzlot, the manipulation of black enamel with hand tools that yield delectable names in translation: expellers, draggers, pestles, quills.


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