Fem och en halv åt Scarlett (Uppdaterad)

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scarlettj.jpgThe cred meisters på Pitchfork ger Scarlett 5.5:

Ultimately, her ambitions prove more musical than professional, and her willingness to make herself a secondary player here-- behind Waits, Sitek, and TV on the Radio-- makes the whole enterprise seem like a lark, an anti-vanity project. There are no tacky pronouncements of stars-are-just-like-you realness here, no statements about herself or her celebrity or really anything at all. The only thing we've learned about her is that she really, really like Tom Waits. That's more than enough to avoid catastrophe, but not quite enough to make Anywhere I Lay My Head much more than a curio.
Uppdatering: Sonic ger den fem.


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