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Typiskt nog bakom betalvägg, men i veckans Science (1) argumenterar ett antal välkända ekonomer för att den sociala nyttan med "prediction markets" är så stor att de borde undantas från hasardspellagar på internets.
(1) Kenneth J. Arrow et al, "The Promise of Prediction Markets", Science 16 May 2008: Vol. 320. no. 5878, pp. 877 - 878
We have suggested some modest reforms at the federal level that we hope will facilitate the development of prediction markets. These markets have great potential for improving social welfare in many domains. American leadership in this area is likely to encourage parallel efforts in other countries, speeding the development of this tool. The first step in helping prediction markets deliver on their promise is to clear away regulatory barriers that were never intended to inhibit socially productive innovation.
(1) Kenneth J. Arrow et al, "The Promise of Prediction Markets", Science 16 May 2008: Vol. 320. no. 5878, pp. 877 - 878
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