Blyk funkar

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Ypulse har en kort intervju med med-grundaren av finska mobiloperatören Blyk, som har som affärsidé att erbjuda unga gratis telefoni mot annonser (finns i Storbritannien):

YP: What has the feedback been like so far from users? What do they LOVE? What have they been critical of? What do they want?

AO: They absolutely love the Blyk concept. They're telling us that free is good and ads are good. The more they can interact with the ads the more they prefer them. After all, mobile is a communication channel by its nature.

What have they been critical of...well actually, they want more communications from brands (ads). Non-targeted ads with no response opportunity (as in traditional media advertising) score the lowest. Overall I'd say that's a lot more of a positive for us vs. a criticism.


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