Berättelse i index
Ballardian nämner novellen "The Index" av J.G. Ballard (obviously), som har ett lite intressant grepp:
(Bild av Flickr-usr clayjar).
The story's conceit is that it is typeset like an index, apparently the only surviving fragment of HRH's "unpublished and perhaps suppressed autobiography", and all of the plot details above, plus much, much more, can be gleaned from the brief fragments in the index itself. It's a format that allows for some humourous moments, as in this entry, in which we discover that Hitler impressed and then disappointed HRH within the space of two pages, an arc of disillusionment that reflects the greatest schism of postwar history yet comically reduces it to just one line:Hitler, Adolf, invites HRH to Berchtesgaden, 166; divulges Russia invasion plans, 172; impresses HRH, 179; disappoints HRH, 181
(Bild av Flickr-usr clayjar).
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