Anne Applebaum om förflackningen

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Jag hyllade ju Nicholson Bakers artikel om Wikipedia häromsistens. Men att skriva en faktabok om ett seriöst ämne enligt Wikipedia- och bloggmodellen funkar inget vidare, menar Anne Applebaum, som recenserar Bakers senaste bok Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization i The New Republic.

Mäktig avslutning (lite långt):

Human Smoke, in other words, is not a conscientious pacifist tract. It is not a clever contribution to today's debate on warfare, and it does not add anything to what we know about World War II. It is a cheerful contribution to the movement against scholarship--a movement which has advanced so far, in fact, that I fully expect these observations, too, to be condemned as "elitism." As one who does contribute (it's pathetic, I know) to the mainstream media on a regular basis, I know that any author who expresses a sliver of doubt about the wisdom of amateurs risks bringing down a torrent of recrimination and insult upon his head. But if we have arrived at the point where a solemn and excited individual can cobble together anecdotes from old newspapers and Nazi diaries, and write them up in the completely contextless manner of blog posts, and suggest that he has composed a serious critique of America's decision to enter World War II, and then receive praise from respected reviewers in distinguished publications, then maybe it is time to say: Stop.
Kritiken är en variant på "Vem skulle du vilja se opererade din hjärna? En utbildad hjärnkirurg eller en person som har lärt sig hjärnkirurgi genom att läsa Wikipedia".


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