Monocle: undantaget

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Så här på söndagskvisten droppar det in ett långt, långt inlägg av Dan Hill om arbetet med Monocles webbplats. Måste-läsning. Det är fascinerande att läsa om det förhållandevis traditionella tänket, där alla 2.0-aspekter lyser med sin frånvaro. Man ville skapa en "broadcasting platform" på veckobasis i förhållande till månadstidningen, där fokus låg på  innehåll (i videoformat) med kvalitet.

På webbplatsen är videosändningarna i förgrunden, inte innehållet i tidningen, men ofta som ett komplement till artiklarna där de komplementerar och fördjupar de ämnen man valt att skriva om.

Thus we were doing the opposite of what most magazine-driven brands when they turn to the internet (often as an afterthought). The obvious choice is to plonk all the magazine editorial online, and augment with a few editors' blogs and such-like. At first glance, we were effectively letting the print material reside where it is best experienced - in the tactile format of the magazine - and instead exploring new facets of the brand with a broadcast-led website. But wanting to have our cake and eat it, the magazine material is there too, just reformatted for the web and immersed in a new navigational framework, appropriate to its new context.
Video och text aggregeras efter ämne:

As you might expect, these keywords are not user-generated, but carefully chosen, curated and maintained. This retains a high quality threshold to the navigation, as a controlled vocabulary of keywords can be maintained by Monocle, and also reinforces the idea that Monocle is a bespoke, hand-finished production.
Om tankarna kring uppdateringstakten:

In terms of rhythm of updates, we deliberately decided less is more, and flying in the face of conventional wisdom (if you can have wisdom in a medium only a decade old) we produced editorial at a steady rate - essentially a well-made film or two per week - rather than bombarding the user with content. Deciding to filter, reflect and craft rather than immerse the user in a constant flow of data in lieu of information.
Om vuxen, modernistisk webbdesign:

Visually, we wanted to make something that didn't ape current design tropes - the boring, over-used and essentially art-less 'web 2.0 look' of bright palletes, gradient fills and rounded corners - but had a more classical view, as befitting something a little more grown up.
Om läsarmedverkan:

In terms of user generated content, or user discussion of Monocle pieces, my view was that we didn't need comments on the site as people increasingly have their own spaces to talk, discuss, comment - whether that's blogs and discussion fora, or the social software of Facebook et al. So a more progressive approach would be to ensure that everything is linkable and kept online - with clean, permanent URL structures - thus encouraging people to point to articles from the comfort of their own sites.
En prenumeration på Monocle är dyrare än att köpa enstaka nummer hos den lokala hökaren, på grund av det omfattande online-materialet.

Om annonsering:

There was no way we were going to submit to the tyranny of the banner ad - it's not a smart model, and certainly wouldn't work with a bespoke premium brand. As with the print brand, where advertising is carefully considered and advertorial is often produced in-house by Monocle themselves, advertising online would be something we'd control rather than be subservient to. So all commercial relationships thus far have been brokered and produced by Monocle.
Man kan tycka vad man vill om Monocles nästan parodiska jet set-utsikt, men man måste ge dom cred för att tänka utanför lådan. Jag har köpt alla nummer hittils.


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