Nån slags leopard-boken

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webnavigation.jpgBöcker om navigation för webbplatser växer ju inte direkt på träd, så det är lite bra att O'Reilly gett ut en bok i ämnet: Designing Web Navigation, av James Kalbach. Roger Johansson har läst den och gillar:

Overall this is a great book that I enjoyed reading. The examples and references are current and credible. One area that has room for improvement is the layout and typography, which I think could be more usable. Line-length is a bit too long for the book to be a really comfortable read, and page numbers are smaller than the text on websites designed by ad agency art directors.

But don't let that discourage you from picking up a copy of this book. My impression is that there is a lot of research behind this book, and I think all web designers and front-end developers can learn something from it.

212:- hos AdLibris.


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