Big G Notation

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Det här är lite rolig annandagsläsning, Corey Tragers berättelse om hur det gick till när han blev kallad på jobbintervju hos Google (i Chicago), men aldrig fick jobbet.

Oddly, he then gave me a tour of the office. Game room, ping pong table. I can't imagine why he gave me that tour. It was a perfunctory tour, but, why bother? My thinking during the tour? You can go fuck the Lava Lamps.
Hans egen analys av varför det inte gick bra: han är 52 år, kan Windows, inte Linux, och att han är humanist, inte datavetare.

En annan Google-ingenjör kommenterar om varför det kanske inte gick så bra (intervjuoffret uppmanades "se över" sin kunskap om datastrukturer, algoritmer och Big O Notation, liksom att läsa Google-papper om Map Reduce, Google File System och Big Tables):

If you don't instinctively know O() of your algorithms and have a standard toolkit in your mind that will let you do standard things fast, if you don't understand hashtables on a gut level; if you don't have a feeling for what O(log n) means and don't instinctively know that you can insert into a table in O(1) but into a *sorted* table in O(log n); well, it won't be impossible for you to pass but it might be difficult.

When it comes down to it, I want to be able to say to another engineer, "OK, it's cubic in the size of the problem, but the queries are are Zipfian (have a Zipfian distribution -- many interesting things do!) so if we cache 90% of the items, we can respond to 99% of queries in less than a millisecond."
...och en av intervjuarna kommer med lite andra råd:

Also, it's perfectly normal to google your interviewers ahead of time (if you know who they are). ... But sending emails *before* the interview makes the interviewer uncomfortable -- it really does sort of feel like stalking, or at least gives the impression that you're incredibly nervous or desperate.


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