Vilda detektiver considered harmful

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Lite mer om Bolaños vilda detektiver. Slate skriver:

Inmate No. 1385412, in Huntsville, Texas (below), ordered a copy of the book, but on its arrival, the prison mailroom intercepted it and sent it, at the inmate's expense, to a relative of the inmate's in Austin. The prison determined that the material could "encourage homosexual or deviant criminal sexual behavior" and was "detrimental to the offender's rehabilitation." (For what it's worth, the sexual and violent acts described in the offending passage are in fact between a man and a woman.)

Inmate No. 1385412 is seeking to appeal the decision. Failing that, he'll have to find something else to read until his projected release date of August 2009.

(via: Maud Newton)

Uppdatering: Svensk Bokhandel skriver: "I januari godkändes en lagändring som ger fängelser möjlighet att förbjuda litteratur för intagna." (Pressmeddelande, proposition, betänkade).


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