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BBCs officiella uttalsenhet har fällt domen (nästan): man säger "two point oh".

There seem to be many possible ways of saying this - "two point oh", "two point zero", "two dot oh", two point nought", "two oh", "web two" - with a certain amount of variation according to nationality, company loyalties and other factors. (...)

We've heard various arguments for the rightness or wrongness of one version or another ("you have to say 'zero' because 'oh' is the name of a letter only"; "just say two oh because the decimal point is irrelevant as there'll never be a minor release"), but these don't really persuade in the face of most people's usage.
Jag fortsätter att säga "öhh...ja, du vet".

Uppdatering: historien kring BBCs Pronunciation Unit.


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