Lustifikation (orkar inte hitta på nåt)

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MLK-thumb.jpgValleywag sez:

For the longest time a Google search for the term "MLK" produced as a top result, a site run by a white-supremacist organization called Stormfront. No longer. But why did the hate site ever appear as a top result in the first place?

Blame lazy librarians. Google's PageRank algorithm determines a website's relevancy to a keyword by crawling the Internet to find out how many times that particular site is linked to on other sites and how often that keyword is used to describe the link. Most of the pages that used to link to were written by librarians, hoping to package good source lists for researching students.
Sorgligt, men nog sant (they should've used rel=nofollow!), men frågan är om det inte ganska många fall handlade om att peka ut ett exempel som studenterna skulle hitta felen hos.


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