Utrotningshotade x 2

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maastricht.jpgSom Geoff Manaugh säger apropå bokhandeln slash kyrkan Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen i Maastricht:

[I]t achieves a weirdly ironic overlap in which two cultural spaces, both on the verge of extinction, at least in Western Europe - and I'm referring here to the Christian church and to the bookshop - come together to form a kind of last gasp for either entity.

It's as if books, sensing that they are even now moving toward a curious state somewhere between resurrection and purgatory, have decided to retreat, repositioning themselves inside the stone vaults of a church - which happily welcomes these learned visitors - and there the books and the church embrace, like doomed friends all too aware of their age, biding their time together amidst the dust and sunlight until another renovation comes through.




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