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Den bästa delen av Philip Roths Exit Ghost är de sidor som handlar om George Plimpton, något som egentligen är mer en maplacerad litterär essä än roman. Huvudpersonen Nathan Zuckerman kan knappt förstå att Plimpton dött, inte så mycket att Zuckerman missat det, utan att han alltid trott att Plimpton skulle leva för evigt.

Hur som helst så berättar Zuckermans nemesis i boken, strebern Richard Kliman, om Plimptons begravning i New York 2003, som besöktes av flera tusen personer, bland dem Norman Mailer:

Then Norman Mailer. Overwhelming. I'd never seen Norman Mailer off the screen before. Guy's eighty now, both knees shot, walks with two canes, can't take a stride of more than six inches alone, but he refuses help going up to the pulpit, won't even use one of the canes. Climbs this tall pulpit all by himself. Everybody pulling for him step by step. The conquistador is here and the high drama begins. The Twilight of the Gods. He surverys the assemblage. Looks down the length of the nave and out to Amsterdam Avenue and across the U.S. to the Pacific. Reminds me of Father Mapple in Moby-Dick. I expected him to begin "Shipmates!" and preach upon the lesson Jonah teaches. But no, he too speaks very simply about George. This is no longer the Mailer in quest of a quarrel,  yet his thumbprint is on every word. He speaks about a friendship with George that flourished only in recent years - tells us how the two of them and their wives had treveled together to wherever they were peforming in a play they'd written together, and of how close the two couples had become, and I'm thinking, Well, it's been a long time coming, America, but there on the pulpit is Norman Mailer speaking as a husband in praise of coupledom. Fundamentalist creeps, you have met your match.


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