6 från Jena

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Chicago Tribune skriver om hur medborgarrättslig mobilisering fungerar idag:

Yet this will be a civil rights protest literally conjured out of the ether of cyberspace, of a type that has never happened before in America -- a collective national mass action grown from a grass-roots word-of-mouth movement spread via blogs, e-mails, message boards and talk radio. [...]

As formidable as it is amorphous, this new African-American blogosphere, which scarcely even existed a year ago, now includes hundreds of interlinked blogs and tens of thousands of followers who within a matter of a few weeks collected 220,000 petition signatures -- and more than $130,000 in donations for legal fees -- in support of six black Jena teenagers who are being prosecuted on felony battery charges for beating a white student.

För bakgrund till Jena 6, läs t.ex. The Nation - "Jena Is America", Dagens Nyheter och hos While Seated.


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