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Lite mer kalendrar, men nu mest av en slump eftersom det dök upp en i min läsning av Christopher M. Gleasons American Poly: A History – om den polyamorösa “rörelsens” moderna historia, inledningsvis i boken om dess rötter i diverse nyhedniska rörelser, i synnerhet gruppen Church of All Worlds och dess grundare Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. Här dock om Robert Graves påhittade keltiska trädkalender med 13 månader (vi verkar vara i “Björk”/”Birch” nu) och. :

Graves’s The White Goddess (1948) was an ambitious tome arguing that a pre-Christian tradition of goddess worship was usurped by the emergence of a rigid and patriarchal Christianity. Graves also presented a pre-Christian Celtic seasonal cycle represented by the goddess’s sacred tree astrological calendar. Later neo-Pagans adapted various versions of this notion to restructure their calendar according to festivals correlating with seasonal equinoxes and solstices. While some scholars have argued that Graves completely fabricated his “tree calendar,” its appropriation, particularly in America, was often based on the fervent desire to throw off the cultural shackles of Christianity and revive its pagan predecessor in its place.

Christopher M. Gleason, American Poly: A History, 2023, loc. 498.

Ett utsnitt från The White Goddess om trädalfabetet och nån slags säsongsbaserad kalender: